Professional Computer Help
Remember your passwords and Backup your data.... It's Important!
Remember your passwords and Backup your data.... It's Important!
We can set up and maintain your home and business's network, or help troubleshoot and maintain your existing network.
We are available to consult with you or your staff when problems arise with your software. This service can be either remote or on-site assistance.
We will work with you to establish the appropriate cloud size and available resources for your business.
New and used computers for Sale
New Dell Laptop and Desktop computers
We have many peripherals in stock
We offer an ever changing supply of pre-owned laptops and desktops
JWS offers on-site, in shop and remote IT service
Our State-of-the-Art shop can upgrade and repair your Mac or PC
Virus removal, add a printer, troubleshoot a problem all on-line
JWS Computers, Inc. has been service hunterdon and bucks counties since 1997